Organic Chemistry
- Code: 276-190104
- Semester: 1st
- Study Level: Undergraduate
- Course type: Υποχρεωτικό, Γενικού υποβάθρου
- Teaching and exams language: Greek (English for Erasmus students)
- The course is offered to Erasmus students
- Teaching Methods (Hours/Week): Lectures (3)
- ECTS Units: 4.5
- Course homepage:
- Instructors: Moriki Amalia
- Class Schedule:
Course Contents
- Atomic structure, orbitals, electron configurations, chemical bonding, molecular orbital theory, polar molecules, acids and bases.
- Electronegativity, polar covalent bonds, dipole moments, formal charges, resonance.
- Functional groups, nomenclature of organic compounds.
- Alkanes-cycloalkanes, structure and properties.
- Isomerism and stereochemistry, chiral compounds, enantiomers and diastereomers. E,Z designation.
- Types of organic reactions, how organic reactions occur, radical reactions, polar reactions.
- Alkenes, structure and reactivity, cis-trans isomerism in alkenes. Electrophilic addition reactions of Alkenes. Markovnikov’s rule.
- Benzene and aromaticity, Hückel rule.
- Alcohols, phenols, ethers and thiols, properties and reactions.
- The carbonyl group. Aldeydes and ketones. Carboxylic acids and derivatives.
- Amines. Heterocyclic substances. Aromatic heterocycles.
Educational Goals
- Learning the basic principles and concepts of organic chemistry.
- Drawing chemical structures, understanding functional groups, names and properties of organic compounds and the basics of organic reactions.
General Skills
- Work in an interdisciplinary environment.
- Generation of new research ideas.
- Promote free, creative and inductive thinking.
- Search, analyze and synthesize data and information using the necessary technologies.
- Independent work.
Teaching Methods
Face to face:
- Lectures (theory and exercises) in the classroom.
Use of ICT means
- Teaching with Power point presentations.
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 62.5 |
Independent Study | 50 |
Total | 112.5 |
Students Evaluation
- Writing exams in the end of the semester.
Recommended Bibliography
- Οργανική Χημεία, McMurry J., (2017), Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης.
- Οργανική Χημεία, Meislich H.,Neckamkin H.,Sharefkin J., (2017), Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα.
- Βασική Οργανική Χημεία, Σπηλιόπουλος Ι., (2008), Εκδόσεις Σταμούλης.
- Οργανική Χημεία, Klein D., (2015), Εκδόσεις Utopia.
- Οργανική Χημεία, Θεμελιώδεις έννοιες και μηχανισμοί οργανικών αντιδράσεων, Χαμηλάκης Σ., (2015),
Related Research Journals
- Journal of Organic Chemistry.